Dear Jill,
You're awkward.
Everyone knows it and, on some level, I think you do too. I respect the choice to deny it for purposes of self-preservation, but life might really improve if you were to allow even a slight glimmer of recognition to peek through. Here are some helpful tips from yours truly. Just consider them.
1) Be confident and outgoing. People, having no other way of determining who you are, have to trust what you're outwardly showing. They will accept however you
portray yourself if you sell it well enough. So the only thing getting in your
way is you. And I know your social ineptitude is really a bummer at this point, so if you really can't figure out the cool code.... well, fake it til you make it, sister.

3) Try new things. Step out of your comfort zone!
Literally... just one new thing would be great. A sport? A club? A new route
home? Something. At the rate you're going, you'll need to compensate with some kickass grades in college and some white lies on your future employment applications..... You're welcome.
4) Shower. Coming from an older version of yourself who
still doesn’t love the whole production of showering, trust me - I get it. But you look mangy and oily and
unkempt. If you were a cat, someone would have to bathe you against your will in the tub cause you refuse to lick yourself clean. It's enough already. Oh, and put some chapstick on, girl, cause these crusty-crusts....
5) Stop being awkward and take advantage of your unbridled
freedom. There are only so many years left where your biggest problem is which
Wawa hoagie you should order. Stop being weird and shy and actually appreciate what you have. Those big windows of free time will still be preserved through college, though they'll be fewer and farther between... then BOOM. Real world. The time to gallavant around your 2-square-mile town in your pajamas and buy junk food at 7-11 is up. Love it while you got it, kid.

7) Buy a hair straightener. Use it.