Thursday, February 23, 2012

Live, Laugh, Love

So I was going to list off things I wish didn't exist, but decided to opt for a more positive post. I consider myself a pretty positive person, so why waste time hunched over my laptop rattling off the worst things about life? (In case you were curious, the list would've included such atrocities as: sweat, wrinkles (in clothes; I'm not old), extra body fat, any job that begins earlier than 10 AM, canker sores, greasy hair, and tooth decay. Also, I'd like to acknowledge that yes, these are nothing but whiny first world problems. And if I wasn't compiling a list for purposes of a entertaining blog post, it would certainly focus less on wrinkled blouses and more on abolishing cancer.

But LIKE I said, this post will be a happy one. I'm determined to make it so.

The Greatest Pleasures in Life:

1) Waking Up Naturally - I'm extremely nocturnal. I'm the happiest form of "me" after midnight. Thus my ideal night of sleep would occur from about 3 AM to 1 PM. Though, I recognize that many others are morning people and have no problem rising as the sun does. No matter what type you are, it's universally wonderful to wake up naturally. Whether it's the butt crack of dawn or nearing dinnertime, doesn't matter. If you're able to awaken peacefully, without the sound of that awful alarm and the weight of the world on your shoulders, it's gonna be a great day.

2) A Really Good Meal - Food, in general, really. Not even up for debate. One of the best things about life, hands down. I could've cut myself shaving, been late to work, gotten in a fender-bender, done piles of paperwork, and fallen in a puddle... If someone then presented me with a plate of sushi, pizza and a hot sandwich, I'm a happy girl.

3) Random Acts of Kindness - We're all guilty of it, some more than others. We rush around, worrying about ourselves and ignoring all those strangers who pass by worrying about themselves. But all it takes is a smile to brighten someone's day (or have one brighten yours). Or holding the door open for that sweet little grandma. Or receiving a genuine compliment from the cashier at ACME. Or saying "Thank you" and giving - heaven forbid - some eye contact with that random stranger. It's the little things that restore my belief in humanity.

4) Snow Days - I'm fortunate to still be in the field of education, so I can continue to enjoy the benefits of "Shit! It snowed! Stay HOME!" But regardless of where you are now, everyone can relate to that heart-skipping joy of an unexpected snow day. You're in middle school, you didn't study for that social studies test, you hate that stupid bus, and you just wanna get some sleep. Then all of a sudden, your school closing flashes across the TV screen and your brain has a little mini aneurysm. Last time this happened, I was a senior in college and a blizzard gave me a much-needed day off from the rigors of student teaching. You'll think I'm lying, but I swear to you.... I smiled myself back to sleep that morning.

5) The Perfect Hug - I was lucky enough to grow up in an environment where hugging was as frequent as breathing. So I learned young and was taught by pros. It still baffles me when people get uncomfortable and give me their painful version of a "hug": hips a foot apart from mine, awkward bend over, back tap. Really? What I cherish is a really great body-encapsulating hug from a family member or best friend, complete with a squeeze and/or lower back rub. 

6) Laughing - Self-explanatory. Whether it's a little giggle or one of those deep laughs that makes you stop breathing and start crying, it feeds your soul and makes life better. So I say... surround yourself with loving, funny and light-hearted people and the rest will take care of itself.

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