Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sweep Her Off Her Feet

Basic Principles: No woman wakes up saying, "God, I hope I don't get swept off my feet today!" Any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet; he just needs the right broom.

A wise man (albeit a fictional character played by Will Smith) once said these immortal words. For the most part, I agree. The only arguable line is the latter, which makes life seem just a little bit too perfect. It's not true that ANY man can sweep a woman off her feet. That would imply that if a convict fresh out of prison hit me with his nicest pick-up line, handed me a dozen roses and promised me the world, I'd be sending out Save-the-Dates. Doubtful.  

However, two things are absolutely true: 1) No single woman would scoff at any well-intentioned, genuine attempt at feet-sweeping, and 2) Your average man can graduate from a coy admirer to a world-class feet sweeper by making any of the following changes.

Play Guitar / Sing - I am not surprised in the least that lead guitarists and rock stars are plagued by large crowds of female groupies. Long hair, rock-and-roll and cocaine aren't really my cup of tea, but to each her own. The bottom line is if you're not a Brad Pitt lookalike with attention-getting charisma, but you can pick up that guitar in the corner and start jamming out a random string of chords - I'd like a front row seat. And your phone number. If you have the confidence and even moderate ability to sing along, that's even better. Write me a song? Now we're talking Save-the-Dates...

Dress Like It Was On Purpose - Whatever the occasion, put some consideration into what's on your body. It'll get you noticed, and if you've got someone's attention from across the room I'd say you're halfway to wooing that lucky lady... and you haven't even had to speak words yet. All I'm saying is if you woke up this morning, threw on the first worn-out jeans you came across and left the house in the same t-shirt you slept in, you're not doing yourself any favors. 

Casual - If I suggested that a guy dress to the nines all the time, this list would be unrealistic and I would be stupid. In fact, if you're considering showing up to Study Hall in a tuxedo, I suggest not. But, boys, it's not hard to step your wardrobe up a couple of notches. Just make sure your clothes fit you really nicely and that's literally it. Get some Henleys, some V-neck tees, some button-ups, and some dark wash jeans and you are gooooolden.

Fancypants - "A well-tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men." So if at all possible, plant yourself in more situations that require you to dress up. Go to that banquet you hate. Wine and dine some girl at a fancy restaurant. Invite yourself to the Oscars. Whatever it takes to make it socially appropriate to wear anything like the following:

Get an Accent - This is another cliche, but cliches come from proven fact. Any way of speaking that's different than the regional dialect will make you instantly more desirable. So if you're looking for an easy way to get sweepin', study abroad. Doesn't matter where; close your eyes and point to a map. Stay there long enough to pick up anything different, then come back to your old stomping grounds and start chatting up strangers. Your tales from across the pond will make for good stories, and your conversation partner will be too mesmerized by your accent to even care which words are coming out of your mouth.

Be a Gentleman - Chivalry is not dead. This is far and away the most effective way to make someone fall for you.... just be kind and attentive. Open doors; listen and respond; offer to pay for things. Everyone wants to feel appreciated, so just be a good guy and that'll take you far.

Then there's the Holy Grail. The one thing that'll put any woman under your spell. In fact, you can skip all of the aforementioned suggestions and bring it home with this one powerful move. Act out a scene from a famous romantic movie. Throw rocks at her window; hold a boom box up above your head; write her 365 letters ("I wrote you every day for a year"); hold her at the bow of a ship and tell her she's flying. Trust me. It'll work.

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