Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Big Picture

Some people pay incredible attention to detail, have an awesome memory, and are generally observant of the world around them. The rest of the population are still looking for their keys.

I'm in that latter category and I like to call it living in "The Big Picture". My attention to detail and observation skills are awful, and my memory is a crapshoot. But the difference between me and say, a dementia patient, is that I could see everything differently if I wanted to. If I spent energy trying to process my surroundings more efficiently, I could be freakin' Rain Man. We all have it in us. But having lived this way for almost 23 years, I'd say it's workin' for me!

Detail is overrated. Being excessively observant of my surroundings is a waste; I focus on the information that I need at any given moment and simply work with that. And while it would be super nice and sentimental to remember detailed sense memories from age 4, I remember enough. And when I need it, my short-term memory and rote memorization skills are bangin'.

It is a wonder, though, how I pulled a 3.9 GPA in college, but don't notice a thing when my bff Amanda walks in with an entirely different hair color. I wish I could tell you the dye job was only a shade or two lighter, but I'm almost certain she switched from brunette to blonde one time. She might as well have turned into Michelle Obama. I didn't notice. In my defense, that was a few years ago and while I still suck at being observant, I'd like to think I've evolved enough to notice something as drastic as that.

And if I haven't, turns out I'm not alone. Here's a real psychological study and I'd like to use it as justification for the next time I miss some giant, conspicuous, embarrassingly-obvious detail in my environment:

1 comment:

  1. In my defense, you recently missed that I chopped 4 inches and got bangs. But for the most part, yes, you have gotten better.
