Friday, December 23, 2011

Posts of Christmas Past

Before Facebook swallowed up MySpace and redefined our lives, there was an online outlet for every girl's inner-most thoughts: Xanga. From sophomore to senior year of high school, my friends and I would hang out, go home and write identical summaries of what we did, then comment on each other's like we weren't there. It was all in good fun, but when I left for college, I realized I had created an amazing chronicle of three years of my life. Let's take a walk down memory lane. Here are snapshots of my life around this time in December:

5 years ago - December 11, 2006

Wow it's been forev. I've been having a pretty good time.. I don't remember what i was talking about last time I wrote but Thanksgiving break was good and now I'm done classes for the semester. Three exams - one a day through Wednesday and then I'm goin home. I'm excited! I'm exempt from my Psych exam because I got A's on every test - which kicks ass - and I'm officially in Bonner. So I'm busy moving my shit and packing it to move out. Wonderful.

6 years ago - December 20, 2005

Just for kicks (or shits and giggles, if you're the overquoting movie type), go up to a college student and say "Hey, my school gets a whoooole week off! No school at all!". After several moments of condescending stares, you'll then be informed that after those pathetic nine days of boredom, you'll be back with your nose in a book while the rest of the college population is home free through January.

Whatever. I'm still psyched. I'm now going to give you the abridged version of what would surely be the longest entry of my life. I know you're all disappointed, but I just don't have the time. My little black book is full up with appointments to sleep and watch TV.
  • Christmas is in 5 days and I've successfully bought two gifts. I know what you're saying... "There's not enough to go around, Jill." Well, I agree.
  • Daria's tooth fell out and she was visited by the Tooth Fairy. Let me tell you... she was much less excited to get money under her pillow than I was at that age. She couldn't be bothered with it. Kids these days...
  • I need a car. ASAP.
  • My Senior Sem project is still in the early stages. Despite the fact that I present in less than a month. We'll see how it all comes together.
  • Lily just threw up on my bedroom floor. As Amanda would say, "Magic!"
  • I need to go to the gym again. I might be going with Perrin tonight....who knows?

7 years ago - December 22, 2004

Finally, winter break is here.
After a history presentation, physics test, Vector Day antics, and a visit to the dentist, I can finally relax. Until I begin my homework, which I have forced myself to put off until at least December 26th. Tonight the girls and I went out for some Chinese. After many a chicken platter, we stalked a group of boys in Starbucks who turned out to be pretty anti-social and unattractive. We explored O'Doodles, then walked down to Ted's house to interrupt his college apps process. He gave us a ride back, almost killing Katie along the way. Now I'm alone again and plan to do nothing but watch TV and sleep. Sound good?

8 years ago - December 22, 2003

Cant wait til xmas. cant wait til sunday. i could actually wait til work... but the entire xmas break overrules the right to mope about work. i hope the customers finally learn that all our pies and cakes are frozen and they don't come and we just get paid for sitting around and drawing santas and snagging bakery food when shes not looking.   

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